February 28, 2022 - by : Patricia - Reading 2 min
Français English

André Georges, from mountaineering to painting

André Georges, a native of the small village of La Sage, is a renowned mountaineer and mountain guide.

He has climbed nine of the fourteen summits over 8000 m, including Everest! He has climbed our beautiful Dent Blanche 200 times, including 25 times on the north face.

An impressive record of achievement with all the humility that we know him for.

He wrote a page in the history of mountaineering by climbing the Gogna route alone, one of the most impressive walls in the world. Impossible is not André Georges.

Lover of the mountains and ambassador of our Valaisan Alps, he is the legend of the Val d’Hérens.

After a lifetime of climbing the highest mountains, he now paints them. From mountaineering to painting. From action to contemplation. An atypical career for a personality with a singular character. A passionate, exciting, humble and sincere man.

He confides that he dreamed of studying fine arts when he was young. The famous guide, who hung up his job in 2013, reveals today a new facet of his personality. He no longer climbs the summits, he paints them.

From his home, on the rocks of Evolène, he faces the majestic Dent Blanche which occupies an important place in his paintings. Sa passion pour la montagne l’a conduit jusque devant un chevalet et c’est en parfait autodidacte qu’il nous révèle ses talents artistiques.

Cet hiver, il nous fait l’honneur d’exposer ses toiles dans les salons du Grand Hôtel Kurhaus.

Notre hôtel historique, témoin de l’age d’or de l’alpinisme, est fier d’accueillir les œuvres de l’enfant du pays et ancien guide dans ses murs. Tout un symbole!

Venez découvrir ses œuvres tous les jours de 10 h à 22 h. L’exposition se déroule dans la grande salle de l’hôtel, est gratuite et accessible à tous


Category : English